The purpose of this statement is to explain to you what personal information we collect when you visit this website or use it to contact us.  Below we also explain how we may use your personal information and how to exercise your rights relating to it.


1. About Us

This website ( is operated by Bopgun on behalf of Puzzler Media Limited, a company registered in England no 1136669/England, having its registered offices at 3rd Floor, Fonteyn House, 47-49 London Road, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 9PY.

Puzzler Media Ltd are the data controller and we are committed to protecting your privacy and maintaining the security of any personal information received from you. We strictly adhere to the requirements of the data protection legislation in the UK, including the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 and the Data Protection Act 2018 and we are registered on the Data Protection Public Register number Z5734949.

2. The Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Due to the type of data we collect and the nature of our business we currently have no legal requirement to have a DPO at Puzzler Media. However, our information security manager will be happy to deal with any queries or requests regarding the data we hold about you. They can be contacted by email at or by post to Information Security Manager, Puzzler Media Ltd, 3rd Floor, Fonteyn House, 47-49 London Road, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 9PY.

3. Information we collect about you

– Personal details (such as your name, job title, business name, email address, postal address or telephone number) that you provide when you contact us, for example by telephone, email or using a form on this website.

– Information you tell us about yourself, for example in the course of making an enquiry about our products and services.

– Details of your visits to this website, for example the pages you visit, the resources you access and any data you download.

We do not collect sensitive personal information (also known as special categories of information) about you, for example details about your health or religious beliefs.

We do collect some information from cookies and similar software, such as Google Analytics, which allows us to understand how you arrive on our website, and use and navigate round them so we can improve the site.

4. What we do with your information

We will use your personal information for a number of purposes including:

– To respond to your enquiry and provide our products, services or online content, or to provide you with information about them.

– To send you communications such as newsletters, which we may personalise for you. You can opt out of receiving these at any time by contacting us.

– (Using IP addresses and device identifiers) to identify the location of our website visitors and to establish the number of visits from different countries.

– To conduct analysis and research to improve our products and services.

We may also use and disclose information in aggregate (so no individuals are identified) for marketing and strategic development purposes.

5. What happens if you don’t provide some or all of the information we request

The impact of this will depend on what information you withhold but the main impacts may be:

– We may not be able to respond properly to your enquiry.

– We may not be able to contact you to let you know of any problems regarding your request.

6. Contacting you for marketing purposes

We may use your personal information to update you about new products or services by email. We may personalise the message content based on information you give us when you contact us or use our website. You are entitled to opt out from receiving such communications and/or to amend your preferences at any time :

– By email to; or

– By post to Information Security Manager, Puzzler Media Ltd, 3rd Floor, Fonteyn House, 47-49 London Road, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 9PY.

We will always provide you with a way of opting out of receiving future marketing messages from us, each time we send them to you.

7. The grounds (or legal basis) on which we process your personal information?

When you visit this website or use it contact us, we process your personal information on the basis of ‘legitimate interest’. This means we believe we have a fair and legitimate business reason for the processing. It allows us to manage our relationship with you effectively and efficiently and to improve our products and services by better understanding how they are used and what is popular with particular groups of  customers.

8. Sharing your information with third parties

We may from time to time provide your personal information to third parties for the purposes of providing you with our products and services. These third-party providers could include payment processors, providers of card validation services, credit referencing providers, third-party sales processors (includes fulfilment services), service providers who assist us with hosting our marketing campaigns, and competition prize suppliers. They do not decide what is done with your data and only process it on our behalf. These third parties may be located outside the European Economic Area; however we only use providers that provide adequate protection for your information at all times.

When transferring any personal information outwith the EEA we only do so under one of the legally recognised transfer mechanisms for ensuring the data is safeguarded.

We will not provide your data to other third parties for marketing purposes.

9. Cookies (and web browser information)

This website uses cookies. For more information about what cookies are, what we use them for, and how you can delete them, please read our Cookies Policy.

If your settings are set to ‘do not track’ in your browser then we will not collect analytics data.

10. How we protect your information

We follow strict security procedures in the storage, use and disclosure of information which you have given us, to prevent unauthorised access to, and loss, misuse or alteration of, your personal information in accordance with the UK data protection legislation. These include access control, firewalls and virus-checking procedures.

We recommend that if you use a shared computer or a computer in a public place such as a library that you close your browser when you have finished your session.

11. How long we hold your personal information for

Some of the information you provide to us is necessary to carry out repeated tasks, such as corresponding with you when you make an enquiry. We will keep this information for as long as we need it to manage our relationship with you, plus a reasonable time (three years) beyond this to deal with any further queries or issues.

Some information we collect may be required for longer periods, for example for audit purposes, usually a maximum of seven years.

We may retain anonymised information for analytical purposes.

12. Your rights regarding your personal information

Under UK data protection laws you have a number of rights with respect to your personal information which are:

Correcting your information

You are entitled to have your personal information updated to ensure it is up to date and accurate. This can be done by following the instructions below.

Withdrawing consent

You have the right to withdraw your consent to any processing that is currently being done under your consent. You can also follow the process below.

Obtaining a copy of your information

You are entitled to receive a copy of the personal information we hold about you.

Deleting your information

You can request that we delete personal information in certain circumstances. These will be specific to each case.

Data portability

You are entitled to have us transfer to another controller the personal information that you have provided us with.

Restricting processing

You can request a restriction on the processing of your data in some limited circumstances. Examples are concerns over data accuracy or we no longer require to hold your data but you have requested its retention by us to aid you in a legal matter.

Right to object to processing

You are entitled to request that we stop processing your data for marketing purposes and in other limited circumstances such as asking us not to process your data by wholly automated means or not to analyse your information for targeted content etc (also known as profiling).

You can action any of these rights by contacting us by email at or by post to Information Security Manager, Puzzler Media Ltd, 3rd Floor, Fonteyn House, 47-49 London Road, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 9PY.

13. Sale of the business

Should all or part of the Puzzler Media business be sold to or taken over by another organisation, your personal information may move to that other organisation as part of the sale or takeover agreement.

14. Right of complaint to the Regulator for Data Protection

The data protection laws in the UK are regulated and enforced by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Each individual has the right to raise a concern/complaint to the ICO if they have any concerns about how their personal information and/or privacy is treated. You can do this via:

– The ICO’s website ( follow the links or have an online Live Chat.

– Call the ICO helpline on 0303 123 1113.

– Email

– Postal address: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

15. Links to third party websites

Our website may contains links to other websites belonging to third parties which are not covered by this privacy policy. If you want to click through to a third-party website, please make sure that you read the privacy policy for that website.

16. Updates to this Privacy Statement

We may update this statement at any time without notice. We will tell you that we have updated it by emailing you at the email address you have provided to us and/or by posting an announcement on the website. By continuing to use the website after we have emailed you or posted a notice informing you of an update, you accept the changes to this statement.

17. Contacting us

If you have any questions about privacy, or wish to update your details or action any of your other data rights at any time, please contact us using or by post to Information Security Manager, Puzzler Media Ltd, 3rd Floor, Fonteyn House, 47-49 London Road, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 9PY.

Privacy statement updated November 2022

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